miércoles, 19 de mayo de 2010

My job

I am a Scientist and I work on the Institute for Sustainable Agriculture (IAS).

In general I study the use of new technologies (remote sensing) in agriculture. Particular I study precision agriculture (precision farming or site specific agriculture).

Precision agriculture takes into account the spatial variability of biotic factors such as weeds and pathogens, and of abiotic factors such as nutrients or water content, and uses diverse technologies to apply fertilizers, pesticides or other inputs at variable rates, fitted to the needs of each small defined area.

Remote sensing is an important tool in precision agriculture since it can provides mapping of biotic factors such as weed patches or fertility levels, among other factors.

In my studies I use every kind of remote images available. Such as, satellite images (QuickBird and GeoEye-1), aerial images and Unmaned aerial vehicle (UAV) images.

Recently, I have published a new method to do site specific application herbicide maps by the use of aerial images.

Now I am studying the way to improve georeferenciation process, making it automatically. For this purpose I have developed a series of Artificial Terrestrial Targets (I call it ATT), that I place in the study sites. I have developed specific software that can locate ATT in the remote image and does the coregistration process semiautomatically.

The next step in my work, among others, is to develop a remote image calibration system and a cropping systems classification. Both systems will allow me to do an automatic recognition of every land use in the image and to compare images at different dates. I have started this studies but I am still focused in coregistration procedures.

I went to a lot of congress in precision farming and weed management and I did some papers and a lot of seminars. Next September I am going to do a seminar in Berlin.

Although I am a very busy scientist everybody thinks I spent my time doing nothing.

lunes, 17 de mayo de 2010



(That night) The moon wasn’t full and there wasn’t fucking star in the sky.
We both were sitting in the back seat of my 1430 (Seat 1430, a very old and uncomfortable car)
There was any love song in the radio, we were listening football.
When Murcia scored a goal we started to caress each other.
While I was removing her blouse I could see the tattoos in her breast.
A snake eating rat’s guts in the left one and devil’s face en the right one.
She climbed on me and said that I have between my legs a huge thing (inhuman).
And I said her not to illusion because that was the hand brake.


Mrs! I go out with you daughter,
but don’t worry about it because I’m going to bring her here in a moment.
Mrs! sleep quiet
because I only drink coke.
Mrs! I love your daughter
although she loves me for fifteen minutes.
And don’t you be upset
because I am not going to touch her till after the wedding.

I put twenty centimetres of my tongue in her ear and she made all “pot soup”.
I crossed my fingers and said her “I love you” and she began to kiss my neck.
The second time she made sure what she took wasn’t the hand brake.
And I promised her mother that I’m not going to touch her till after the wedding.


miércoles, 12 de mayo de 2010

Football player

- Hello. What’s your name?
- My name is Raul Gonzalez Blanco.
- What are you doing?
- I am a football player in Real Madrid.
- How long have you been playing football in Real Madrid?
- I am playing in Real Madrid since I was 17.
- Did you win your last match?
- No I didn’t, we lost it 3-2.
- Had you score a goal in the last match?
- Yes I do, I scored two goals.
- What are you going to do when you leave Real Madrid?
- I am going to train a football club in Cordoba.
- Are you married?
- Yes, I get married six years ago and now I have got two daughters.

martes, 11 de mayo de 2010

Malviviendo Philosophy

Malviviendo Philosophy
And that’s the way every day goes… always is the same. Letting the hours go by, like commercials that we watch while our favorite program begins…
Come back home late, lying to me and swearing that tomorrow I’m going to be more serious… I’m growing old…
Who I want to lie?... I will continue sitting here waiting for a fluke… soon or later luck have to touch me.

Filosofía Malviviendo

Y así son todos los días...idénticos. Dejando pasar las horas como si fuesen los anuncios, que nos obligan a ver mientras que esperamos que nuestro programa preferido empiece...
Vuelvo a casa tarde, mintiéndome y prometiendo que mañana voy a ponerme enserio...que me hago viejo...
¿A quién quiero engañar ?... Seguiré sentado esperando un golpe de suerte...tarde o temprano me tiene que tocar a mí...