miércoles, 21 de abril de 2010

Green technology in Spain

Since 1980’s in Spain there has been a tremendous development of Renewable Energy. Such as solar panels, wind mills, hydroelectric energy, etc. Despite this development, we still depend on non renewable energies.
Nowadays, the use of green technology has become a very popular topic and has been encouraged by the governing bodies from Europe. Most Spanish cities recycle their waste and government teaches people about green technology goodness.
This green practices and technologies still have to be improved to really compete with nuclear and petrol energies.
In my opinion, green technologies are the future of energy, and it´s necessary to have a better world for our children.

1 comentario:

  1. In Spain since (the) 1980’s there has been a tremendous development of Renewable Energy. Such as solar panels, wind mills, hydroelectric energy, etc. Despite this development, we still depend on non renewable energies.
    Nowadays, the use of green technology has become a very popular topic and has been encouraged by the governing bodies from Europe. Most Spanish cities recycle their waste and (the) government makes commercials in order to teach people about the goodness of green technology.
    These green practices and technologies still have to be improved to really compete with nuclear and petrol energies.
    In my opinion, green technologies are the future of energy, and (they are) necessary in order to have a better world for our children.
