lunes, 15 de marzo de 2010

First writting "all about myself"

“All about myself”
I am David Gomez and was born in Madrid thirty two years ago. But now I live in Córdoba in the south of Spain. Córdoba is a small but nice town, with thousands of history flowing in it streets.
I studied forestry and a Master in agronomic production in the Universidad of Córdoba.
I had many different jobs, as agronomic consultant, engineer and some similar jobs, but now I work in the Institute for Sustainable Agriculture of the CSIC, where I study a PhD in precision agriculture too.
I like walk in the country, go to the cinema and play soccer but I didn’t play since about two years.
That’s a very short resume of who I am. I hope you like it.

2 comentarios:

  1. Note: where I said "thousands of history" I want to say "more than four thousand years of history". Apologies for the mistake.

  2. “All about myself”
    I am David Gomez and I was born in Madrid thirty two years ago, but I now live in Córdoba. Córdoba is a small but nice town in the south of Spain, with four thousand years of history flowing in its streets.
    At the Universidad de Córdoba I studied forestry and obtained a Masters in agronomic production.
    I have had many different jobs. I have worked as an agronomic consultant, an engineer and some other similar jobs. However, I now work in the Institute for Sustainable Agriculture of the CSIC, where I am studying for a PhD in precision agriculture too.
    I like walk in the country, go to the cinema and play soccer but I haven't played for about two years.
    That’s a very short resume of who I am. I hope you like it.

    Not to bad. We will discuss your mistakes today.
