miércoles, 24 de marzo de 2010

Some else I did yesterday

Some else I did yesterday.
There were a lot of more things that happened yesterday. For example, I went work cycling. I like to ride my bicycle.
We are now in spring and the weather is warmer. So, yesterday I wore jeans and t-shirt.
During my work time I always use to wear t-shirt. I don’t matter if is summer or winter. So, everybody says I am crazy.
At lunch I ate carbonara pizza, salad and a piece of fruit.
In the afternoon I went to the gym, it was very tiring. After gym I had a beer at “la cañita” with my friend Santi. We talked about an old film “Blade Runner”. Santi bought a pin with the blade runner logo.
Later, I went home and played Call of duty in my computer. Call of duty is quite good to eliminate stress and you don’t risk hurting somebody. Long time ago I played paintball, I liked very much but after play my body was painful and purple spotted.
These are some of the things that happened yesterday.

lunes, 22 de marzo de 2010

Third writing: What I did yesterday

What I did yesterday.
This time I tried to do simple and short phrases. I hope to do it better than previous writings.
Yesterday was a normal day of my life. I got up at eight o’clock and I got dressed. Them, I picked up my bicycle and went to work. It was a cold and cloudy day. Later, I had an appointment with my boss. It was very long. We talked about our next project in precision agriculture. I went home at fourteen.
A normal day of my life is something really boring.

jueves, 18 de marzo de 2010


Second Writing: “De-urbanization”

De-urbanization is a new trend in some developed countries. It consists on a progressive movement of people from cities to small villages.

Spain is still not as “developed” as de-urbanization progress come a real problem. There are only some signs of it progress in old people who come back from cities to their original villages where they were born.

Small villages have minor possibilities or facilities for young people but, however, have all the quietness old people need.

There are a lot of people from Germany and England who move to small villages of Andalusia, like Iznajar in Córdoba, when they go into retirement. As well it’s usual to those people to move to the coast, looking for warm and sunny places.

lunes, 15 de marzo de 2010

First writting "all about myself"

“All about myself”
I am David Gomez and was born in Madrid thirty two years ago. But now I live in Córdoba in the south of Spain. Córdoba is a small but nice town, with thousands of history flowing in it streets.
I studied forestry and a Master in agronomic production in the Universidad of Córdoba.
I had many different jobs, as agronomic consultant, engineer and some similar jobs, but now I work in the Institute for Sustainable Agriculture of the CSIC, where I study a PhD in precision agriculture too.
I like walk in the country, go to the cinema and play soccer but I didn’t play since about two years.
That’s a very short resume of who I am. I hope you like it.